Friday, June 21, 2024

Out of your league

Gallons of alcohol, 

Must flush the intestines,

For letting commitments,

Continue to fuck minds. 

This coordinate in space time,    

Is where God rests tonight. 

He tells you, to let go of the world,

And fall onto his feet divine. 

They who feel it inside, 

Are the ones who know. 

Dictate him, no one ever could,  

No matter the place, he runs the show. 

And how dare you compare yourself with him?  

If he turns, publicly, your credentials to dust. 

Crushing your being under his thumb, 

Leaving your entire existence to rust. 

This is a lesson for life, 

For scums like you and alike, 

This is what he does all day and night, 

Bowing down to him, serves your life right. 

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