Thursday, June 27, 2024


Only when you drink enough,

You realize worth and worthlessness.

The idea is to keep you trapped, 

To hold you back from awesomeness .

But it does not matter now, 

Who stands in front of him. 

He will ignore you such,

You'd feel what you need to feel within. 

And hey bitch! If he takes you in, 

Did you really think you could bite him?

He is a tectonic plate, he is forever, 

Give some, Take some, but finished? Never!

When the summit is right ahead, 

Masses do try to take credit.

But every moment is your own flight, 

Assholes, from the timeline, we must delete. 

And, to stay or not to stay, 

If that is anyone's question,

Yours truly tells you all now, 

Absolutely no fucks were ever given. 

Your choice

So, I beat them all,

Putting them in their places,

They, who thought otherwise,

 May trade my ass for their faces.


But it’s getting hot here too,

Heavens raining hell from above.

What does the God do?

Maybe, get some love.


Since youth, he has trained girls,

To grow into women,

Sometimes they stray away,

Trying to be like men.


The Daddy fucks your brains out,

Only if you come to him as feminine,

Want to be a man? Go to Thailand,

Where your birth would make sense divine.


I am happy these chances,  

Came down right here to this day.

Daddy will love you baby,

Till you don’t throw this chance away.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Out of your league

Gallons of alcohol, 

Must flush the intestines,

For letting commitments,

Continue to fuck minds. 

This coordinate in space time,    

Is where God rests tonight. 

He tells you, to let go of the world,

And fall onto his feet divine. 

They who feel it inside, 

Are the ones who know. 

Dictate him, no one ever could,  

No matter the place, he runs the show. 

And how dare you compare yourself with him?  

If he turns, publicly, your credentials to dust. 

Crushing your being under his thumb, 

Leaving your entire existence to rust. 

This is a lesson for life, 

For scums like you and alike, 

This is what he does all day and night, 

Bowing down to him, serves your life right. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Times and shades

Who could have foreseen,

The times, today, we live in?

But I tell you, you wouldn’t want to see,

The places where I have been.


But didn’t I tell you in advance,

I will create the impossible chance?

All you had to do, was hold my hands,

So now, I give you a taste of this trance.


Sleep in the peace of my arms,

Enchanted by my unmatched charms,

Give up all your belongings en masse,

And I shall rid you of all your qualms.  


I don’t care about what the people say,

When I force the cosmos to act this way.

You had your time to think, catch your breath,

Just a matter of time, before I take it away.  

This is a story of  a king's will, not destiny, 

Fate will be his whore, till eternity,

No dependencies, only supremacy, 

And  a rightful queen,  his stamp of authority.