Sunday, November 5, 2023


Unbearable always, the pain is,

To lose someone you cared about.

You eloquently shared all your struggles,

A giver, a visionary and a man proud.


We always knew,

A genius like you,

Would not survive this stench called life,

Which mere mortals breathe through.


Because geniuses don’t bow down, ever!

Consequences, they don’t care for,

Inferiors do gang up to match them,

But such useless efforts,  we abhor.


You’ve been personally indispensable,

My brother Matthew,

But guys like us, often end up so,

Giving no shit, to all shit we already knew.


When intellect meets loyalty,

An entire community gets blessed.

Central Perk bears testimony to this,

In billions of minds, you will be missed.


So what, if you are now gone,

In legacies, we all believe.

As long as we try to write our own,

Mr. Bing, here, shall continue to live.