Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Times and shades

Who could have foreseen,

The times, today, we live in?

But I tell you, you wouldn’t want to see,

The places where I have been.


But didn’t I tell you in advance,

I will create the impossible chance?

All you had to do, was hold my hands,

So now, I give you a taste of this trance.


Sleep in the peace of my arms,

Enchanted by my unmatched charms,

Give up all your belongings en masse,

And I shall rid you of all your qualms.  


I don’t care about what the people say,

When I force the cosmos to act this way.

You had your time to think, catch your breath,

Just a matter of time, before I take it away.  

This is a story of  a king's will, not destiny, 

Fate will be his whore, till eternity,

No dependencies, only supremacy, 

And  a rightful queen,  his stamp of authority.