Sunday, October 24, 2010


I look back down the memory lane,
And realize how things have changed around,
The asphalt on the road, leaves on the trees,
Faces, smiles, winks, words, references,
All bear the signs of a change so profound!

But a minority that stood out from the list,
Were the ones with the power to describe and explain,
Precisely minute in nature, they often go unnoticed,
No knowledge or experience is complete without them,
Fools like me chase them, alas, in vain.

And so, I was in for a surprise, When ,
I read the change the details had undergone,
Firsts becoming seconds, interests waning,
And stuff that should just let be,
Privacy is a virtue neglected, I'll but try on.

Change is inevitable, as granny used to tell,
How could have poor details escaped the fate!
Its not a sharp mind that catches the trail,
A heart that cares suffices the job,
Examining details, till the time it's too late.

What changed is important, For the leads it provides,
A weird process it is, in a world estranged,
Learning from these cues, one should better adapt,
Tried ignoring, But still makes me wonder,
How terribly have the details changed!